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Applied Practice Experience

MPH students complete an appropriate curriculum, grounded in foundational public health knowledge and foundational competencies with specialized knowledge and expertise in a selected public health discipline.  Students have an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the curriculum, and demonstrate a broad understanding of the areas basic to public health through the Applid Learning Experience (APE).

The principle objective of the APE is to allow each student to demonstrate an ability to apply public health knowledge into a service learning or practical experience.  The APE may be completed in a governmental, non-governmental, non-profit, industrial, university-affiliated, and/or for-profit settings.  Activities completed during the APE should be primarily focused on community engagement and should be mutually beneficial to the site and the student.  Upon completion of the APE, students will have prepared at least two work products that are linked to competencies selected by the student and agreed upon by the site supervisor and faculty

The minimum contact time requirement of 200 hours is required.  Students should work with the site to identify the amount of time required to produce quality products for the practice site and to accomplish the expressed learning objectives of the APE.  Completion of APE may be done at multiple sites or a single site if significant time is needed to complete the two required work products.  Students with current or previous work experience may qualify for an APE wavier.

The Applied Practice Experience from the student perspective.

EKU MPH Applied Practical Experience (APEx) Handbook671.2 KB
EKU MPH APEx Appendices294.51 KB
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